Using your Plusnet My Account, broadband and email usernames
This is where we'll explain the differences between your account, email and broadband usernames and when you'll need to use them.
Username FAQs
You'll need them for a few different things.
- To log into My Account
- If you get in touch with our support team. They'll just need your details to help find your account
- When you want to connect to your Plusnet webspace to upload files
- To log into your default Plusnet email account (if you've got one)
You chose them when you signed up with us.
- Your Account Username is between 5-16 characters and contains only letters and numbers. The first two characters will always be letters
- Your Account Password is between 8-16 characters and might contain letters (upper and lowercase), numbers and these: . / : ; > = < ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
- If you've forgotten your username take a look at the letter we sent when you first signed up with us. You should find it on there
- If it's your password you can't remember fill out our forgotten password form and we'll send you details on how to reset it
Unless you got your router before July 2009, you're not likely to need them. Our routers do all the difficult stuff themselves, all you need to do is plug them in. If you do have a router from before July 2009, have a look at the info below.
- Your Broadband username will be your username, with an extra bit on the end. The bit on the end will depend on who provides your service
- Your Broadband password is the same as your Password
- If you've forgotten your username you can find it in the Connection Details section of My Account
- If it's your password you can't remember fill out our forgotten password form and we'll send you details on how to reset it
If you're still having problems, get in touch and we'll be happy to help.
For all the info on your email username and password, check out our guide to Plusnet email settings.
You'll find your mobile account username in the welcome email or letter we sent you when you joined Plusnet Mobile. If you can't find it, go to your Plusnet Mobile account where you'll see an option for forgotten usernames at the top of the page. Or get in touch.
When you signed up with us, we sent a welcome email or letter containing an automatic password. We'll have then prompted to change it to something you chose yourself. Your password's the one you chose. If you've forgotten it, no problem. Just go to your Plusnet Mobile account. You'll see an option for forgotten passwords at the top of the page. Just click it and follow the steps from there.
We'll ask for your username and password whenever you log in to your Plusnet Mobile account.

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