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    Cookie policy

    All about cookies and why we use them.

    Our cookie policy

    Manage your cookie settings

    You can change your cookie settings through the Manage Cookie Settings page at anytime.

    Manage your cookie settings

    You can change your cookie settings through the Manage Cookie Settings page at anytime.

    Cookies and similar technologies (“cookies”) allow small pieces of information to be read from and/or placed onto your device when you visit a website or application. This allows for websites and applications to recognise you or your device on each subsequent visit so that they can remember things like preferences, log in information and saved shopping carts.

    Cookies are very useful and do lots of different jobs. For example, they enable you to move between our web pages efficiently, remember your preferences when you visit us again and generally improve your experience when browsing with us. They can also help to ensure that adverts you see online are more relevant to you and your interests, which in turn help us to tailor our communications.

    Cookies last for different lengths of time depending on the job they do. There are session cookies and persistent cookies:

    • Session cookies only last for your online session and disappear from your device when you close your browser.
    • Persistent cookies stay on your device after the browser has been closed and last for the period of time specified in the cookie.

    You can find information about how Plusnet processes your personal data in our privacy policy.

    We will only place cookies for the preference level you set. Your preference level will be set depending on the options chosen (usually when you first visit our website), however these can be changed at any time by clicking "Manage Cookie Settings" at the top of this page.

    Please note that cookies set before you changed your settings will still be on your device. You can remove them using your browser settings.

    Our free online tool can help you manage the cookies we use on To use it, your web browser needs to support JavaScript – if it doesn't you can still find out about the cookies we use here, but you'll need to manage them through your web browser settings.

    We also use a cookie to remember your cookie preferences. This means if you use a different device, computer profile or browser you will have to tell us your preferences again.

    Please note that we may share the information we obtain from cookies with other members of the BT Group. All members of the BT Group provide the same high level of security and protection and will only use information obtained from cookies in accordance with the preferences you set.

    The cookies used on our website fall into one of four categories: Essential, Performance, Functional and Targeting.

    Essential cookies

    Essential cookies let you move around the website and use essential features like secure areas, shopping baskets and online billing. These cookies are automatically enabled and cannot be turned off because they are essential to enable you to browse our website.

    We use Essential cookies to do things like:
    • Remember what you’ve ordered when you get to the checkout page;
    • Identify you as being logged in to our website;
    • Provide proactive live chat sessions to offer you appropriate support;
    • Enable website content to be delivered reliably and efficiently and ensure the load of all site visitors is managed effectively across Plusnet web servers; and
    • Collect and record your cookie consent decisions.

    Essential Cookie list
    Vendor Cookie Domain(s) Cookie Name(s)
    and Duration
    Amazon  Web Services AWSALB (1 week)
    AWSALBCORS (1 week)
    These cookie names are associated with Amazon to spread and manage the load of website visitors evenly across our servers.
    ADRUM (session)
    ADRUM_BT (30 seconds)
    This cookie name is associated with AppDynamics. This data monitors that the website is operating correctly.
    Khoros LiSESSIONID (session)
    LithiumVisitor (10 years)
    VISITOR_BEACON (10 years)
    These cookie names are associated with Khoros. The data collected enables your ability to log-in to Plusnet.
    New Relic Inc. JSESSIONID (session) This cookie name is associated with New Relic. The data is used to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor session counts for Plusnet applications.
    Plusnet MvcSession (session)
    pn_session (session)
    pn_session_secret (session)
    The data from these cookies allows the website visitor to log-in.
    Plusnet pn_sj_mode (session) The data from this cookie helps Plusnet monitor that the website is operating correctly.
    Plusnet SALESJOURNEYID (session) The data from this cookie allows the website visitor to sign-up.
    plusnet ice.connection.contextpath (session) (session)
    ice.connection.running (session)
    ice.push.browser (session)
    These cookies allow for the correct content to be displayed to users when logged-in.
    plusnet LimehouseSession (session) This cookie assists with maintaining the user's selected product throughout the checkout process.
    plusnet PHPSESSID (session) This is a temporary, anonymous ID for the duration of the session that allows the website to differentiate each visitor.
    RedCube roundcube_sessauth (session)
    roundcube_sessid (session)
    These cookie names are associated with RedCube. They are used to enhance security when users are logged in.
    Riverbed X-Mapping-madoibco (session) This cookie name is associated with Riverbed. It is used for load balancing application for high traffic web services and sites.
    spr-chat-token-Appid These cookies are associated with Sprinklr. They enable the chat functionality on our website, which allows our website visitors to request support.
    View Sprinklr Privacy policy.

    Please note that we also use Google's Consent Mode on this site which allows Google Ads and Google Analytics cookies/tags to respond to cookie consent preferences made by the user. If users reject the use of such cookies through their preferences, this still allows Google to collect anonymised, non-identifying data about users for aggregated analytics and marketing purposes.

    Performance cookies

    Performance cookies collect information about how you use our website. For example, which pages you visit and if you experience any errors. These cookies are important to us being able to operate and maintain our website.

    Some of these cookies are also used to perform website analytics. This may include collecting analytics about visitors to our website and collecting information about website usage. We use the information to help us improve the website and measure user interaction.

    If you do not accept these cookies it may impact on your experience of the website.

    In some cases, some performance cookies are managed for us by third parties, but we don't allow the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed below.

    We use Performance cookies to do things like:
    • Provide statistics and analytics on how our website is used;
    • See how effective our adverts are (we don't use this information to target adverts to you when you visit other websites);
    • Help us improve the website by measuring any errors that occur;
    • Test different designs of our website;
    • Obtain feedback from you about use of our site and remember if we’ve already asked you if you want to fill in a survey; and
    • Remember results of tests performed to make the website more relevant to you.

    Performance cookies list
    Vendor Cookie Domain  Cookie Name(s) and Duration  Purpose
    Decibel Insight da_lid (1 year)
    da_sid (30 minutes)
    These cookie names are associated with Decibeland allow Plusnet to monitor and review your journeys on Plusnet sites, to provide Plusnet with insights on how to improve your on-site experience.
    Google Advertising Products IDE (1 year)
    test_cookie (15 minutes)
    These cookie names are associated with Doubleclick (which is owned by Google). They help us identify when you have responded to a Plusnet advert on Google. The data collected from these cookies also helps us assess the overall performance of our advertising campaigns.
    cd_user_id (1 year)
    kampyleSessionPageCounter (1 year)
    kampyle_userid (1 year)
    kampyleUserPercentile (1 year)
    kampyleUserSession (1 year)
    kampyleUserSessionsCount (1 year)
    These cookie names are associated with Medallia and provides 'Voice of the customer' and analytics information to Plusnet via feedback and pop up surveys. Plusnet uses this information to improve your experience.
    sogeaDisableReconABToggle (persistent)
    fttpDisableReconABToggle (persistent)
    allIpAbTestVariant (persistent)
    These cookies allow us to tailor variations in content/design for each user and gather metrics. With the aim of improving the overall user experience.

    Functional cookies

    Functional cookies are used to provide services or to remember settings to improve your visit.

    Preventing functional cookies may mean we can't offer you some services that rely on these cookies to function properly, and will reduce the support we can offer you.

    In some cases, some functional cookies are managed for us by third parties, but we don't allow the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed below.

    We may use Functional cookies to do things like:
    • Share information with partners to provide a service on our website. The information shared is only used to provide the service, product or function and for no other purpose.
    • Provide virtual assistant functionality to offer you support;

    Functional cookies list
    Vendor Cookie Domain  Cookie Name(s) and Duration  Purpose

    AWSALB (1 week)
    AWSALBCORS (1 week)

    Supports functionality of chatbots, virtual agents and live chat solutions.


    The core purpose of targeting cookies (otherwise known as advertising cookies) is to provide Plusnet with valuable insights into what our customers want, including but not limited to, insight into the communications and services our customers and potential customers may be interested in.

    Disabling targeting cookies, generally does not stop you receiving advertising. It simply means that the advertising you receive is less likely to be aligned with your interests.

    In order to gain the insights, in some instances we may analyse your personal information to create a profile of your interests and preferences so that we can contact you with information relevant to you. This helps to avoid you receiving advertising that is not relevant to you or your interests.

    In some instances, we may also use this information to inform us of how well our communications are received by our customers and website users. In order to do this, we may make use of additional information about you when it is available from internal and external sources to help us do this effectively.

    These cookies are also linked to services provided to Plusnet and our customers by our trusted partners (see the Third Parties section below for more information). We/our trusted partners may also share data derived from these cookies with other members of the BT Group for the purpose and provision of the services they provide. 

    We use Targeting cookies to:
    • Link to social networks who may use information about your visit to target advertising to you on other websites;
    • Provide advertising agencies our trusted partners and other members of the BT Group with information on your visit so that we can present adverts that you may be interested in, and prevent you receiving duplicate ads – see the “online behavioural advertising” section below for further details;
    • Deliver content, including video content, tailored to your interests;
    • Help us to segment and understand our audience by providing additional information so that we can send the most relevant communications possible;
    • Help us identify customers similar to our audience or to serve relevant adverts to you on third party websites and apps;
    • Help us to understand how well our marketing initiatives are performing and whether to continue, change or cease those initiatives; and
    • To provide tailored communications to you and personalise your use of our website when logged in, and in limited circumstances, when logged out (subject to your preferences).
    Online behavioural advertising

    We, and our trusted partners (see “Third Parties” section below) use information collected from targeting cookies to collect information about your device and identify your interests by understanding how you interact with our websites, communications and services. We do this so we can tailor advertising we show you on our own and third party sites and apps.

    The information we and our trusted partners collect and share through targeting cookies does not directly identify you. It does not include your name or address.

    We use your IP address, together with the interests we have assumed based on how you’ve navigated to and how you interact with our websites.

    We will also share interest-based advertising information with the third parties that set targeting cookies via our website.

    You can opt-out of the use of targeting cookies on our website for online behavioural advertising purposes by blocking and/or deleting these cookies as described below.

    Targeting cookies list
    Vendor Cookie Domain(s) Cookie Name(s) and Duration Purpose
    Amazon Ads ad-id (10 months) This cookie name is associated with Amazon. They help Plusnet identify when you have responded to a Plusnet advert on another site. This data is also used to assess the overall performance of our advertising campaigns.
    Bing _uetsid (1 month) This cookie name is associated with Bing. A random ID (Session ID) is which is used to improve the accuracy of conversion tracking.
    Bing _uetvid (45 days) This cookie name is associated with Bing. A unique, anonymized visitor ID, is assigned by UET, representing a unique visitor.
    Bing _uetmsclkid (90 days) This cookie name is associated with Bing. It captures ad click information, generated at ad click time and and is used to improve the accuracy of conversion tracking.
    Bing See purpose MUID (13 months) This cookie name is associated with Bing. It generates a random ID (Microsoft user ID)   which is used to synchronize the MUID across the various Microsoft-owned domains (,,, international domains). This data is also used for conversion tracking and assess the overall performance of our advertising campaigns.
    fr (3 months)
    _fbp (3 months)
    These cookie names are associated with Facebook. It helps us identify when you have responded to a Plusnet advert on Facebook. This data is also used to assess the overall performance of our advertising campaigns.
    Freespee AWSELBCORS (1 minute) This cookie name is associated with AWIN. The data collected is used for reporting and allows Plusnet to pay sales commissions for referrals to members of our affiliate network.    
    Google Analytics btVisitedCookie (3 months)
    btVisorga (1 day)
    These cookie names are associated with Google (Analytics). This data also identifies if you are visiting our website from a BT internet connection.
    Google Analytics _ga (2 years)
    _ga_* (2 years)
    _gali (0)
    _gat_UA-* (1 minute)
    _gid (1 day)
    These cookie namesw are associated with Google (Analytics). The data collected is used to provide reports on the performance of the Plusnet websites and how visitors interact with them – which helps us provide you with more relevant content and a better onsite experience.
    Google _gcl_au (3 months) This cookie name is associated with Google and relates to “Conversion Linker” functionality. It takes information in ad clicks and stores it so that conversions can be attributed outside the landing page. smct_session - (session)
    smc_sesn (13 months)
    smc_spv (end of session)
    smc_tag (1 year)
    smc_tpv (13 months)
    smc_uid (13 months)
    This cookie is associated with and provides cart abandonment services and onsite customer experience optimisation.
    Optilead fujswc (10 minutes) This cookie name is associated with Optilead. It helps analyse shopping cart abandonment to improve website performance.
    Optilead fujswc_data (1 day) This cookie name is associated with Optilead. It supports the user sign-up process.
    TikTok cookie-consent (1 year 1 month) This cookie name is associated with TikTok and is used to determine whether a visitor has accepted cookies or not.
    TikTok tta_attr_id (1 year)
    tta_attr_id_mirror (1 year)
    passport_csrf_token (60 days)
    passport_csrf_token_default (60 days)
    _tt_sesisonId (1 year 1 month)
    _tt_enable_cookie (1 year 1 month)
    _ttp (1 year 1 month)
    By using cookies with Advanced Matching, we can further improve the matching of visitor events on the website with events on TikTok, which help improve measurement and future performance of ad campaigns.

    Plusnet allow trusted third party partners to set cookies when you interact with Plusnet services. Third parties include search engines, providers of measurement and analytics services, social media networks, affiliate networks, other members of the BT Group and advertising companies. Third parties may use cookies in the process of delivering content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their marketing and services, and to perform services on behalf of Plusnet (as described in the cookie categories above).

    Third parties may also read cookies placed on your device when visiting other websites, which usually takes place where that third party also sets cookies on other websites you have visited. You can manage browser cookies through your browser settings (see the Managing Cookies section below).

    It is important to note that, although Plusnet and its trusted third party partners will only set cookies in line with your preferences, if you originally accept the use of cookies, but later change your settings, Plusnet and its trusted third party partners may continue to use data collected and derived from cookies during the period of time you consented to the cookie placement.

    There are ways you can control and manage cookies on your device. Please remember that any settings you change at browser or device level will not just affect the cookies we use. These changes will apply to all websites you visit (unless you choose to block cookies from particular sites).

    Our Cookie Banner

    You can directly edit your preferences in relation to the cookies Plusnet set by using the Plusnet "Manage Cookie Settings" function to set your preferences. Here you can select your preferences in relation to all non-essential cookies placed by our website.

    This method will not impact any cookies previously set, prior to your change in preferences. If you wish to manage existing cookies, you can use your browser settings as outlined below.

    Managing cookies in your browser

    Most browsers will allow you to choose the level of privacy settings you want. You can (a) block all cookies, (b) accept all cookies, or (c) pick a setting somewhere in between. This range lets you control your cookie settings, so you can:

    • See what cookies you've got and delete them on an individual basis
    • Block third party cookies
    • Block cookies from particular sites
    • Block all cookies from being set
    • Delete all cookies when you close your browser

    Deleting cookies means that any preference settings you have made on a website will be lost. If you've set your preferences to opt out of cookies, this setting will be lost too, as that information is stored in a cookie. Blocking all cookies means functionality on our websites will be lost, as described above. We don't recommend turning all cookies off when using our websites.

    If you want to reduce your cookie settings at any time – for example, if you accept all cookies, but later decide you don't want a certain type of cookie – you'll need to use your browser settings to remove any third party cookies dropped on your previous visit.

    Find out how to manage your cookies using the most popular browsers below.

    Information about cookies

    You can read more about cookies at all about cookies.

    Internet Advertising Bureau

    The internet advertising industry have produced a guide to behavioural advertising and online privacy.

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