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    FAQs changes to your Plusnet broadband terms and conditions - CPI to CPI plus 3.9%

    When will my terms and conditions change?

    From May 19th 2021 we'll be making some changes to the terms and conditions of your Plusnet services.

    You'll find your new terms at terms and conditions for Plusnet residential services.

    What changes are you making to my terms and conditions?

    Your new terms and conditions will include CPI plus 3.9% price changes.

    From June 2021, the price for broadband, line rental, call plans, call charges and BT Sport services (where that BT Sport service was signed up to on or after 9th December 2020) will increase each year by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation plus 3.9%. The first rise will be in June 2021 (using the CPI rate published in April 2021) and then the rise will take place each March from 2022 (using the CPI rate published in January).

    What's CPI?

    The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate is a figure released by the Office for National Statistics. The CPI is used for purposes such as uprating pensions, wages and benefits and can help in the understanding of inflation on family budgets. CPI measures the average price change as a percentage for a basket of 700 different goods and services which households buy.

    How will the CPI plus 3.9% price increases work?

    On or after 1st June 2021 we'll take the CPI percentage rate published by the Office for National Statistics in April of that year and add an extra 3.9% to the rate. We'll increase the monthly price of broadband, line rental, call plans, call charges and BT Sport services (where that BT Sport service was signed up to on or after 9th December 2020) by the total percentage figure.

    On or after 1st March every year from March 2022, we'll take the CPI percentage rate published by the Office for National Statistics in January of that year and add an extra 3.9% to the rate. We'll increase the monthly price of broadband, line rental, call plans, call charges and BT Sport services (where that BT Sport service was signed up to on or after 9th December 2020) by the total percentage figure.

    If the published CPI percentage rate is negative, we'll only increase your prices by 3.9% in the relevant year.

    The calculated increase will be rounded up to the nearest whole pence.

    Where you buy more than one service from us and each is subject to the price increase, the amount of the increase is calculated on each service separately. If you receive a discount on your price, the increase will be applied to this amount.

    Our guide will take you through the what, when and how of CPI plus 3.9% increases, with an example calculation to show how they'll apply to your services.

    See our CPI plus 3.9% guide

    When will you tell me my prices are going up?

    We'll need to wait for the CPI rate to be published in April 2021 and then every January from 2022 onwards to work out how it will change your price. We'll always let you know before we increase our prices.

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